Turkey Mandates 30% Domestic E-Scooter Sourcing for Operators, Focusing on Safety and Quality

Türkiye, e-scooter düzenlemelerini değiştirmeyi ve operatörler tarafından sağlanan kiralık iki tekerlekli elektrikli araçların en az üçte birinin yerli üreticilerden tedarik edilmesini zorunlu hale getirmeyi planlıyor. Yeni düzenlemeler, paylaşımlı e-scooter'ların kalitesini artırmayı ve trafik düzenini sağlamayı amaçlıyor.

Amendment to E-Scooter Regulations in Turkey to Require Domestic Sourcing

Turkey is set to make changes to the regulations governing shared e-scooters, with a new requirement stipulating that at least 30% of the electric vehicles provided by operators must be sourced from domestic manufacturers, according to Infrastructure and Transport Minister Abdulkadir Uraloğlu.

Focus on Safety and Quality

The aim of the new regulations is to enhance the quality and safety of shared two-wheeled vehicles, including measures such as automatically reducing their speed in restricted areas.

Increased Oversight and Compliance

Operators failing to comply with the new requirement will face suspension of their operations, as stated by Minister Uraloğlu.

Enhanced Monitoring and Enforcement

Operators will be required to share usage data with law enforcement and municipalities, tightening inspections and ensuring adherence to speed limits to maintain traffic order and safety.

Improved Service Quality for Users

Complaints submitted by users will be promptly resolved, and operators will provide real-time updates on battery levels, estimated travel distances, and charges to enhance service quality.

Strict Penalties for Violations

Failure to comply with speed limits will result in an administrative fine of TL 6,923 ($194.57), while incidents of tipping or accidents will be recorded and reported monthly to the ministry's database.

Addressing Permit Uncertainties

Decisions on e-scooter permits will include details on parking and charging stations, where available, to address uncertainties and ensure proper management of the scooter sharing system.

Global Response to E-Scooter Usage

While e-scooters offer a zero-pollution and affordable alternative to public transport, some cities around the world have faced challenges such as reckless driving and haphazard parking, leading to restrictions on their use.

Advocacy and Criticism

Advocates highlight the benefits of e-scooters, while rental companies criticize restrictions as punitive, emphasizing the vehicles' compliance with regulations and safety features.